Wilma Cannon Fairbank Papers, 1920-1991, undated


Wilma Cannon Fairbank Papers, 1920-1991, undated

1920-1991, undated

The Wilma Cannon Fairbank Papers contain original correspondence with Liang Sicheng (also spelled Ssu-ch’eng) and Lin Whei-yin from the 1930s and 1940s as well as articles, interview notes, and publications by and about Liang and Lin. This material was used in preparation for writing Liang and Lin: Partners in Exploring China’s Architectural Past and for editing A Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture. Fairbank organized her material in notebooks using tabs and post-it notes. The original order has been preserved as much as possible.

3 linear feet (6 boxes)

eng, Latn


SNAC Resource ID: 8072831

Peabody Essex Museum

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